Call for Paper

Dear EEA members,

The Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) is going to host the 2022 regional conference of the Econometric Society on June 2-4, 2022 in Addis Ababa. The EEA has established two committees that will spearhead the organization of the conference in close collaboration with the Africa Regional Standing Committee. The committee members were selected in recognition of their international reputation, interest and active participation in the affairs of the EEA.

EEA is very much hopeful that the assigned committee members will play indispensable roles for the success of the conference and will contribute to EEA’s vision of becoming premier economics professional association in Africa. The lists of the Conference Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee are hereunder introduced.

2022 Africa Meeting
Jun 1-4, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

IFPRI-Addis Ababa and the Ethiopian Economic Association

Chairperson of the Scientific committee:
Dr. Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse (IFPRI)

Chairperson of the Local Organizing Committee:

Dr. Amdissa Teshome (EEA President)

Econometric Society Sponsors

Ethiopian Economics Association

Ask any information related to membership inquiries.

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