For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: EEA in collaboration with UNICEF has held consultative workshop in Oromia region

EEA in collaboration with UNICEF has held consultative workshop in Oromia region

The Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) has conducted consultation Workshop Budget and Expenditure Analysis of Oromia Region on May 06/2022 at Rift Valley hotel, Adama. About 30 invited participants from Oromia Bureau of Agriculture, Finance, Health, Education, Water and Energy, Women and Children Affairs, and Oromia Plan Commission attended the workshop. Prof. Mengistu Ketema, CEO of EEA made a welcome speech followed by an officially opening remark by Dr. Abdulaziz Dawd, commissioner of Oromia Plan Commission. Following the program, Dr. Lamessa Tariku, Dr. Arega Shumeta and Dr. Naser Yenus, EEA senior researchers, made a presentation on the key findings on the budget and expenditure analysis of the Oromia region. The workshop looked at progress and gaps on budget utilization of the region based on secondary data sourced from the regional bureaus. The outputs of the research will be communicated with a Validation workshop to be organized with the Oromia region after finalizing the research and incorporating the comments discussed during the event. The research and workshop budget were covered by UNICEF. EEA is planning to organize similar consultation workshops in the Amhara and SNNP region.

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