For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: EEA in Collaboration with Jimma University organized 1st Oromia Regional Conference

EEA in Collaboration with Jimma University organized 1st Oromia Regional Conference

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) in collaboration with Jimma University and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) has organized the 1st annual Oromia regional economic development conference on June 18, 2022, at Central Jimma Hotel, Jimma. The theme of the conference is Agriculture, Industry and Service Sector for Sustainable Regional Development. Dr. Jemal Abafita, president of Jimma University has made a welcome speech. Following his speech, Mr. Ashebir Diriba from Oromia Regional Planning and Development Commission has delivered an opening speech on behalf of Commissioner Abdulaziz Dawud. Dr. Semeneh Bessie, Partnership and Communication Director of the EEA has presented EEA at a glance. The conference covers a panel discussion on a topic titled Inflation in Ethiopia: Causes, Costs and Policy Options. Dr. Arega Shumetie from EEA, Dr Leta Sera from Jimma University and Mr. Ashebir Diriba were the panelists. A total of 120 participants gathered from Jimma university, Wolega University, Asela University, various banking industry, and research institutes have participated in the conference. Six regional specific papers were presented, discussed and policy recommendations drawn.

Finally, on behalf of EEA Semeneh has made a closing remark. In this remark, he emphasized strengthening Jimma Chapter, and jointly working with Jimma University and Orimia regional state. Friedrich Evert Stiftung (FES) was a full sponsor of the conference, and EEA is grateful to FES.

Partnership and Communication Division, EEA

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