For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: EEA conducted Validation workshop on 26 August 2022

EEA conducted Validation workshop on 26 August 2022

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) conducted a validation workshop at EEA conference hall on 26 August 2022 starting from 2:00 pm. The workshop is organized on the research title ‘Rebuilding, Restitution, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction (4R) of the Post-conflict Ethiopian Economy: Lessons and Policy Actions for Robust Recovery’. The research is a collaborative project carried out by the EEA and Independent Council of Economic Advisors (ICEA) which has been financed under the Economic Policy Enabling Environment (EPEE) of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

The objective of this workshop is to validate the final draft research report submitted by the research team of the project. As per the EEA-ICEA project contract, the research team presented the draft findings of the research. Following three consecutive presentations by the research team, the EEA staff have provided comments, suggestions and raised questions.. After an extensive question and answer session, the research team in consultation with ICEA is advised to incorporate the comments and suggestions, consolidate and submit the final reports to the EEA.

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