For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: Invitation to attend 29th General Assembly of the EEA

Invitation to attend 29th General Assembly of the EEA

The Executive Committee of the Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) has decided the 29th General Assembly of EEA to be organized on November 26, 2022 starting from 8:00 AM at the EEA main conference Hall.

As usual, the 2021/22 annual performance report and external audit report, and the 2022/23 annual plan will be discussed and approved. The event will also cover awarding and recognizing best PhD Dissertation, Masters’ thesis and Bachelor’s essay winners of the years (graduate from 2021/222) from Ethiopian public higher education institutions.

On the occasion, there will be a research presentation by Dr. Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse, the EEA advisory board member.

This is, therefore, to kindly invite you to attend this important GA meeting and contribute to the success of the association.

Please find the Annual Performance Report 2021/22 and Annual Plan 2022/23 by clicking the following link .

Executive Committee Member of the EEA

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