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The EEA in Collaboration with FES and Jigjiga University held the 1st Annual Conference on the Somali Regional State Economic Development.

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) in collaboration with Jigjiga University and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) organized the 1st annual Somali regional economic development conference on March 11, 2023, at Jigjiga University, Jigjiga. A total of 160 participants from regional polcy makers, Regional People’s representatives, Private sector, CSOs, and Jigjiga University staff and students have participated the conference.

Dr. Bashir Abdulahi, the Jigjiga University president has made welcome speech. In his speech, Br Beshir has confirmed his commitment to strengthen partnership and collaboration with the EEA, and to host the similar events. Dr. Beshir has acknowledged the presences of guest of honor, Somali regional officials, and all protocols observed.

Following the opening remark, H.E. Ato. Mustafe Muhumed Omer, President of the Somali Region has made an opening remark. In his remark, his Excellency has confirmed the Somali government’s interest to closely work with the EEA on various regional economic policy agenda.  On top of that, H.E. Ato Mustafe noted his hopes that the regional conference would serve as an opportunity to his Government to promote and support the implementation of the regional development plan in line with Home-Grown Economic Reform agenda and the 10-year perspective development plan of the country.

Following the opening speech, Prof. Mengistu Ketema, the CEO of the EEA has briefly highlighted on the major activities of EEA to the audiences and greatly recognized the presence of the guest of honor H.E. Ato. Mustafe Muhumed, Panelists, the conference participants, and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung for their finical support. On the occasion, Professor Mengistu has declared the establishment the EEA’s new Somali regional Chapter.

Subsequently, Mrs Susanne Stollreiter, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Resident Representative at Ethiopia has delivered a message.  In her speech, Susanne mentioned that FES appreciates the partnership with EEA and will continue to support such pertinent regional conferences and policy dialogues around Ethiopian economy.

The conference covers a panel discussion on Inflation in Ethiopia: Causes, Costs and Policy Options. Dr. Arega Shumetie from EEA, Dr. Eliyas Abdulahi, Vice president of Jigjiga University, and Mr. Abdurahman Hereri Macro economy Advisor for Regional planning and Economic Development. Pertinent questions, comments and suggestions were forwarded by his Excellency ato Mustafe and participants, and were reflected by the panelists.

The panel discussion was moderated by Dr. Semeneh Bessie, Partnership and Communication Director of the EEA.  On topic of that four papers were presented, discussed and policy recommendations drawn.

Finally, Dr. Abdi Ahmed, Academic Vice President of Jigjiga University has made a closing remark. In their remark, Dr. Abdi emphasized strengthening the new Somali regional Chapter, and jointly working with EEA and Somali regional state. Friedrich Evert Stiftung (FES) was a full sponsor of the conference, and EEA is grateful to FES.

Partnership and Communication Division, EEA

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