Applied Data Science with Python

Description: Python programming is the most recent and powerful tool in big data analysis that can be applicable in various fields of specialization. The aim of this training is to acquaint trainees with the basics of the Python programming environment, including basic Python programming techniques such as lambdas, reading and manipulating CSV files, and the numpy library. Given its importance and coverage, this training is designed to be offered in two phases. The first phase starts with data manipulation and cleansing techniques using popular data science libraries in Python Pandas, introduces Series and Data Frame abstractions as central data structures for data analysis, group by, merge, provides tutorials on how to use functions such as pivot tables effectively. The second phase covers after advanced data science topics such as: Applied Plotting in Python, Graphing and Data Representation, Applied Machine Learning in Python, and Applied Python. Text Mining, Applied Social Network.

Content: The training will cover the following topics:

Topic 1: Introduction

Topic 2: Python programming languages

Topic 3: Data manipulation and cleaning techniques

Topic 4: Data structures and functions

Topic 5: Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python

Topic 6: Applied Machine Learning in Python

Topic 7: Applied Text Mining in Python

Target Group: The training is suited to researchers, students, academia, programming languages developers, data scientists, software engineers, and statisticians, undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Requirements: A minimum of BA/BSc degree in economics and related fields of studies. A personal computer equipped with: Windows 7 or later operating system, 64-bit or higher system, python application installed. Participants are also expected to come with their laptops during the training.

Duration of the Training: Seven days.

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