For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: The 30th General Assembly of EEA

The 30th General Assembly of EEA

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) has held its 30th  General Assembly on December 09, 2023 at its Multipurpose Conference Hall, Addis Ababa. The meeting was officially opened by Dr. Amdissa Teshome president of the Association. In his speech,  Dr. Amdissa highlighting major achievements of the 2015 EC budget year and plan for the 2016 EC budget year. He specifically highlighted the progress of EEA Book which has 9 chapters and being written by six senior EEA member volunteers. The Book documents EEA historical journey and achievements.  He also delivered his speech on EEA’s plan to launch EEA-talk with aim to generate new ideas through participation of EEA members mainly women.

After the welcoming remarks, a research report on a contemporary issue titled “Does Ethiopia Benefit from Joining the BRICS? Perceptions and Global Trends” was presented by Dr. Degye Goshu, research and policy analysis director of the EEA.  The topic of the study and findings were thoroughly discussed and Dr. Degye provided clarifications for questions raised by participants.

After a rollcall for quorum, the President, announced the quorum has been fulfilled (with a total turn-out of 206 members) and that the GA should proceed.  Consequently, Annual Audit Report (both for the EEA and its income generating unit, EEA-IGA) was presented by an external auditor, discussed, and approved by the Assembly. Prof. Mengistu Ketema, Chief Executive Officer of the EEA, presented an Annual Performance Report (for the budget year 2022/2023) and an Annual Plan (for the year 2023/24). Both the reports and the plans were unanimously approved after extensive deliberation.

Following, The President, Dr. Amdissa, presented revision of membership fee proposed by the executive committee (EC) of the EEA. The proposals were to change full membership fee from Birr 60 to 300, for associate membership fee from 30 to 150, student membership fee from Birr 22 to 100, and institutional membership fee from birr 700 to 5000 for. Members raised their concerns about the proposed membership fees and the reasons for the revisions. Finally, the proposed changes were unanimously approved.

The assembly also voted and approved election of new EC members of the association who will serve for the coming three years

Finally, the newly elected President of The EEA Prof. Tassew WoldeHanna, delivered a very brief and informative remark to the members. He also indicated his commitment to serve the association and thanked participants, the EC members, the organizers, and all who have contributed to the success of the 30th GA of the EEA.

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