For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Dear EEA Staff, EC and Members,

Despite significant impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on EEA, in this ending year we have achieved outstanding performance. We thank all our honored members and esteemed government and non-government partner institutions for the success. EEA believes that this could have not been possible without your genuine support, and we hope that such a good and strong commitment and cooperation will further be enhanced by the New Year.

On this occasion, may I take the opportunity to wish you the 2014 Ethiopian New Year filled with prosperity, joy, and contentment. On behalf of EEA, I also wish all negativity and difficulties end with this year and 2014 brings success, peace and prosperity to you and all Ethiopian people.

One again wishing you good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. Happy New Year!

Partnership and Communication Division

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