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About Us

EEA Profile

The Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) was established as a non-profit making, non-political and non-religious professional Association in 1991 at the end of the First Annual Conference on the Ethiopian Economy. The Conference was organized by the Department of Economics of the Addis Ababa University (AAU) in collaboration with the Institute of Development Research of the AAU and sponsored by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung of Germany. 

The Association has established, under it, the Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute (EEPRI) in July 2000 as its research wing. The Institute is involved in research and in organizing short term trainings on various issues that are of critical importance to Ethiopia’s economic development.

The EEA is envisioned to become a premier economics association in Africa renowned for its evidence-based economic and policy research, membership services, and capacity building by 2030.


The mission of EEA is to provide a platform for networking, access to information and learning; to contribute to a better understanding of the global, national and local economic issues; to inform and influence economic policymaking and investment decision; to offer training and foster the advancement of discipline of economics.


The Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) is formally registered with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Agency for Civil Society Organizations under the registration number 1373  to accomplish the following objectives:

  • to contribute to the economic policy formulation capability and broadly to the economic advancement of Ethiopia;
  • to promote the professional interest of its Economists;
  • to promote the study of economics in the country’s educational institutions;
  • to promote economic research and assist in the dissemination of the findings of such research in Ethiopia;
  • to provide fora for the discussion of economic issues, and
  • to promote professional contacts between Ethiopian economists and those of other countries.


Professionalism, integrity, independence, quality, efficiency, inclusiveness, teamwork, accountability and transparency.


Professionalism and Economic Thinking for Development


EEA has four functional units/divisions: Research and Policy Analysis, Partnership and Communications, Administration and Finance, and the Income Generating Activity (IGA). The General Assembly (GA) of EEA, the highest decision-making entity, is responsible for providing the overall strategic guidance. It determines the policy direction of the Association; deliberates upon and approves the Annual Performance Report including audited annual financial report, the Annual Plan and its program of action, and Annual Budget of the Association.

The Association holds the GA meeting once in a year. The GA also gives strategic guidance to the Executive Committee (EC) of EEA, which is equivalent to Board of Directors which are elected volunteers serving a maximum of two terms (six years). The EC by the bylaw is an oversight organ of the General Assembly, it offers policy direction, and approve strategic issues. The Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the EC and accountable to the EC. The CEO is responsible for the day to day, strategic, and coherent functioning of the EEA activities. Under the new arrangement, the CEO leads the four functional divisions indicated above.

Gender Equality and Disability Inclusiveness 

Zero Tolerance on Discrimination Based on Gender, Disability and Sexual Harassment and Violence! 


Ethiopian Economics Association

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