For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: Second Call for Individual Consultancy

Second Call for Individual Consultancy

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) is undertaking a project titled Augmenting Economic Governance in Ethiopia (AEGE).The project is financed by the Civil Society Fund (CSF) III of the European Union (EU).The specific objectives of the project are to
(a) generate scientific evidence for informed socio-economic policy making;
(b) strengthen the capacity of stakeholders in designing and implementing socio-economic policies and interventions;and
(c) engage stakeholders in selected thematic area of socioeconomic issues for improved and participatory economic policy making in Ethiopia.

Under this project, the EEA plans to invite qualified individual consultants that can undertake research and produce publishable quality manuscripts and/or offer applied trainings with standard training modules. The research findings shall be presented on policy dialogue forums. There are three activities of research and two five-day training workshops, a total of 5 project activities for application. Applicants are allowed to select a maximum of one research and one training activity for application. The TORs and Financial Proposal Submission Forms are available here:

ToR for Training

ToR for Research

Financial Proposal Submission Form for Training

Financial Proposal Submission Form for Research

Interested applicants should submit application letter with their detailed CV’s and other relevant credentials describing their level of expertise. Female applicants are highly encouraged. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through August 31, 2021 until all the project activities are outsourced. All applications shall be accepted over email only:, or

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