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Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling and Analysis

Description: The training’s goal the purpose of this short training is to give participants with the fundamental tools offer developing and implementing a general equilibrium models for policy analysis. The program focuses especially on Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling research. These models have become a vital tool for policymakers and analysts in measuring the overall consequences of various proposed policy changes and/or exogenous shocks on the economy. The training covers specialized theoretical y-foundation and principles of CGE modeling, as well as CGE database access and simulations to obtain the necessary abilities to master CGE modelling with practical labs.

Content: The training will cover the following topics:

Topic 1: Modeling a Simple Economy with two Sectors, the Government and the Rest of the World

Topic 2: Structure of Open Economy General Equilibrium Models

Topic 3: Calibrating a CGE model

Topic 4: Introduction to Dynamic Models

Topic 5: Modeling a Simple Dynamic Model

Topic 6: Modeling Trade, Fiscal and Environmental Policies

Topic 7: Formulating Scenarios and Running Policy Simulations

Topic 8: Implementing the Model Using the Software

Topic 9: Reporting and Interpreting the Results

Target Group: The training is suited to researchers, academia, policy makers, practitioners, and students.

Requirements: A minimum of BA/BSc degree in economics and related discipline with basic knowledge of statistics, economics and mathematics. In addition, familiarity with the management and analysis of macroeconomic datasets are essential.

Duration of the Training:  Seven days

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