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EJE Vol X No. 2

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EJE Vol X No. 1

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EJE Vol IX No. 2

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EJE Volume IX Number 1_ April 2000

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Is Child Work Detrimental to the Educational Achievement of Children? Results from Young Lives Study in Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Aregawi Gebremedhin, Mesele W. Araya, Tassew W/Hanna
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Profitability of Bioethanol Production: The Case of Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Alemu Mekonnen, Gunnar Kohlin, Tadele Ferede, Zenebe Gebreegziabher
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Financial Access to Micro and Small Enterprise Operators: The Case of Youth-Owned Firms in Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Tassew Woldehanna
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The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy Shock in Ethiopia: Evidence from a Bayesian VAR Approach

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Kumadebis Tamiru Gemechu
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Domestic Resource Mobilization in Ethiopia: How Sustainable is the Current Boom in Domestic Savings?

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Gashaw Desalegn
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