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Analysis of the Technical Efficiency of Rice Production in Fogera District of Ethiopia: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Fentahun Addis Abebe, Solomon Amare Tessema, Tadesse Zenebe Lema
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Factors Affecting Savings as Means of Economic Growth in Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Hassen Beshir
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Financial Inclusion in Ethiopia: Using LSMS (Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey) Data

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Gashaw Desalegn, Gebe Yemataw
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Adoption and Intensity of use of Modern Beehives in Wag Himra and North Wollo Zones, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Asmiro Abeje Fikadu, Awoke Mebrat, Kindye Ayen Tilaye, Lijalem Abebaw Elimnh, Mulugeta Awoke Mebrat
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Nonfarm Enterprises in Rural Ethiopia: Improving Livelihoods by Generating Income and Smoothing Consumption?

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Alina Lipcan, Dean Jolliffe, Ilana Seff, Julia Kowalski, Katie McIntosh, Remy Smida, Signe Jung Sørensen
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Dynamics of Wasting and Underweight in Ethiopian Children

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Chris Cintron, Ilana Seff, Sarah Baird
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A Profile of Food Insecurity Dynamics in Rural and Small Town Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Anna D’Souza, Dean Jolliffe
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Once Poor always Poor? Exploring Consumption- and Asset-based Poverty Dynamics in Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Alemayehu Ambel, Ilana Seff, Kashi Kafle, Kevin McGee
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Multidimensional Poverty Dynamics in Ethiopia: How do they differ from Consumption-based Poverty Dynamics?

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Dean Jolliffe, Ilana Seff
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