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Policy Working Paper 21/2023 Women’s Employment and Empowerment at Workplace: The Case of Professional Women Employees in the Banking Sector in Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Assefa Seyoum, Aynalem Megersa, Befikadu Ejeta, Emebet Mahmoud, Emezat Hailu, Matebu Tadesse, Nigatu Regassa, Solomon Tsehay, Tariku Dejene, Tesfaye Zeleke
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Policy Working Paper 20/2023 Determinants of Sustainability of Women Owned Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): Evidence from Manufacturing and Hospitality Industry in Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Assefa Seyoum, Aynalem Megersa, Befekadu Ejeta and Dilu Shaleka, Emebet Mahmoud, Matebu Tadesse, Nigatu Regassa, Solomon Tsehay, Tariku Dejene, Tesfaye Zeleke
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Annual Activity Report July 2022- June 2023 and Plan July 2023 – June 2024

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
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Policy Working Paper 19/2023 Gender Finance Gap and Women Economic Empowerment in Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Abdrohman Ebrahim Hanur and Degye Goshu
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Policy Working Paper 18/2023 Women’s Economic Empowerment in Ethiopia: A Semi-systematic Review

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Assefa S., Aynalem M., Befikadu E., Dilu Shaleka, Emebet M., Emezat H., Nigatu R., Tesfaye Z.
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Policy Working Paper 17/2023 Female Labor Force Participation and Wage Gap in Urban Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Zinabu Tesfaw and Abule Mehare
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Policy Working Paper 16/2023 Measuring Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Takele Abdisa Abule Mehare and Mekonnen Bekele
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Policy Working Paper 15/2023 Digital Payment and the Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Ethiopia

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Author : Megersa Endashaw and Arega Shumetie
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Policy Working Paper 14/2023 Decomposing Gender Gap in Employment and Earnings: Do Urban and Rural Labor Markets in Ethiopia Behave Differently?

Publisher : Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
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