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Domestic Resource Mobilization in Ethiopia: How Sustainable is the Current Boom in Domestic Savings?

Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
Gashaw Desalegn


This study aims to find out if the sequential policy interventions by the
government to boost domestic savings are among the main factors for the
boom in such savings observed during GTPI in Ethiopia and whether the
impact these interventions is permanent or short-lived. In addition, it
revisits and explores the determinants of gross domestic savings. The study
applies (LM) unit root test with a structural break, an ARDL modeling
approach, and it also relies on an analytical review.
The policy shocks applied to domestic savings have changed the long-term
growth path of domestic savings permanently. In addition, macroeconomic
instability, capital flight income and urbanization are the main variables
that affect efforts of mobilizing domestic savings in Ethiopia. However,
features of a vibrant financial sector, including secondary financial
markets for an efficient use of available resources, reliability and
transparency of the housing agency, and an effective demand for housing,
are among the main conditions for sustained positive impacts of these
policies. Accordingly, some policy recommendations are forwarded.

Ethiopian Economics Association

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