Proceeding of Second International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy V II

Part I: Agricultural Sector Development


  1. Land and Land Policy Ethiopia in the eyes of Ethiopian farmers:
    An empirical investigation
    (Berhanu Gebremedhin and Berhanu Nega)
  2. Contigent valuation of community plantation in Ethiopia: A Look into
    value elicitation formats and intra-household resources allocation decision
    (Frederik Carlsson, Gunnar Kohlin, and Alemu Mekonnen
  3. Market access and marketing of Tef: The case of west shewa zone:
    (Mesfin haile, Agajie Tesfaye, Lemlem Aregu and Eyob Mulat)
  4. Ethiopian Peasants and Development (Mesfin Woldemariam)
  5. Factors Price and Agricultural Production in Sub-Saharan Africa
    (Paulos Gutema)
  6. How Hokkaido became the largest rice producer in Japan:
    Implications for agro-based development strategies in Africa
    (Susumu Watanabe)
  7. Technical Efficiency of peasant farmers in northern Ethiopia:
    A stochastic frontier approach
    (Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Arie Oskam and Tassew Woldehanna)


Part II: Food Security


  1. Quadratic food engel curves with measurement error: Evidence from a budget survey (Abbi M. Kedir and Sourafel Girmay)
  2. The Food Security Role of Agriculture in Ethiopia: A household level analysis (Berhanu Adenew)
  3. Poverty and food security in Ethiopia: Some evidence from Wollo (Samuel Gebreselassie)
  4. Irrigation practices, state invervention and farmer’s life-worlds in drought-prone Tigray (Woldeab Teshome)
  5. Water and regional security in north eastern Africa (Yacob Arsano)


Part III: International Economy


  1. Globalization – Its promises and periols to the Ethiopian economy (Amdetsion Gebremichael)
  2. Determinants of Ethiopia’s export performance: An economometric investigation (Berhanu Lakew)
  3. The ‘Emerging’ global commodity chain: Wither Ethiopian coffee? (Eyob Tekalign)
  4. The relationship between import and GDP growth in Ethiopia: An empirical analysis (Sewasew Pawlos)


Part IV: Urban Development


  1. Affordability and willingness to pay for improved water supply: The case of Nazareth town (Alebel Bayrau)
  2. Households willingness resettle and preference to forms of compensation for improving sulum areas in Addis Ababa (Alebel Bayrau and Genanew Bekele)
  3. Investors’ willingness to pay for urban land: The case of Addis Ababa city (Alebel Bayrau and Genanew Bekele)

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