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Proceedings of the Third Annual conference on the Ethiopian Economy


  1. The Role of the State and the Private Sector under Economic Liberalization
    (Kibre Moges)
  2. Profile of the Private Sector in Ethiopia (Solomon Wole)
  3. Strategies and Macroeconomic Policies for the Development ot tne Private
    Sector in Ethiopia (
    Befekadu Degefe)
  4. Privatization in Ethiopia: issues in Modalities, Sequencing and Timing
    (Eshete Taddesse)
  5. Privatization and Valuation of Public Enterprises (Kuma Tirfie)


  1. Small and Rural Industries: An Area of Emphasis (Admit Zerih)
  2. The Informal and Formal Sector Enterprises: The Dynamics of Linkages
    under Policy Reform (
    Getachew Minas)


  1. The Impact of Monetary Control and Fiscal Contraction on Private Sector
    Development in Ethiopia’s Stabilization and Adjustment Programme
    (Ibrahim Abdulahi Zeidy)
  2. Ethiopia’s Private sector under Structural Adjustment: Response to Foreign
    Trade Liberalization and Exchange Rate Policy Reform (
    Girma Seyoum)
  3. Trade Liberalization and the Prospects of the Private Sector to Export
    (Yohannes Ayalew)
  4. Domestic Price Decontrols and Market Deregulation in Ethiopia: Impact
    on Private Firms and Structure of Investment
    (Mekonen Abraham)


  1. Problems and Prospects tor tne Emergence of a Stock Market in Ethiopia
    (Abu Gima)
  2. Towards the Development of Capital Market in Ethiopia (Araya Debesay and Tadewos Haretework)
  3. Credit Policy, Financial Institutions and Private Investment in Ethiopia (Hana Ayana)
  4. Determinants of Private Investment: A Review (Shibeshi Gebre)
  5. Financial Support Programmes for the inrormai sector: some Lessons from
    Experience (
    Abrar Suliman)

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