Description: This training covers the creation, application, and interpretation of DSGE models. It introduces participants to the theories and methodologies widely used by policymakers in analyzing monetary and fiscal issues. The training spends a significant number of lectures to focuses on modeling design and implementation issues, and it employs case studies from the region to demonstrate how these models are used and how they might help to policymaking. The training goes over also covers the benefits and drawbacks of using models for policy analysis and guidance.
Content: The training will cover the following topics:
Topic 1: Introduction to DSGE and Software
Topic 2: Households, Firms, Rigidities, and Uncertainty
Topic 3: Classical Monetary Model and Benchmark New Keynesian Model
Topic 4: Bayesian Estimation
Topic 5: External Sector in Small Open Economies
•Examples, Country Cases, Limitations, &
Topic 6: Estimating and Calibrating DSGE models
Topic 7: Implementing the Model Using MATLAB and DYNARE
Topic 8: Formulating Scenarios and Running Policy Simulations
Topic 9: Reporting and Interpreting the Results
Target Group: The training is suited to researchers, academia, finance professionals, policy makers and students.
Requirements: A minimum of BSc degree in economics and related discipline with advanced knowledge of statistics, economics with solid quantitative skills, and some basic knowledge of MATLAB/Octave and Dynare/Iris. In addition, computer literacy and experience of using a Windows PC are essential.
Target Group: The training is suited to researchers, academia, finance professionals, policy makers, and students.
Duration of the Training: Six Days
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