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EEA Collaboration with Nanolink organized Seminar

The EEA in Collaboration with Nano-Link Data Analytics training and consulting center of the USA provided a half day seminar to its members and key partners on Data Analytics and Machine Learning on October 03, 2023 at EEA training hall. The main aim of the seminar was to create partnership, foster knowledge sharing and exchange experience with researchers, practitioners, post graduate students and partners.
Prof. Mengistu Ketema, CEO of the EEA made an opening remark followed by three presentations. Dr. Wondimu Legesse, founder and CEO of Nano-Link Data Analytics training and consulting center from USA made a presentation on the role of Data Analytics for Economic Development in Ethiopia. Dr. Geletaw Sahile from Microsoft office of Belgium highlighted the concepts of and Machine learning and demonstrated its application using big online data generated from Ethiopian Airline, and finally Mr. Birhanu Zergaw, founder and CEO of Zergaw Internet and Cloud Service provider, made a presentation on Overvew of Google Cloud Company and its services.
This was followed by questions and answer session. The EEA members and partners from government and nongovernment institutions raised pertinent questions that could help further partnership and collaboration with the EEA, Nano-Link Data Analytics and Zergaw Internet and Cloud Company. The discussion was chaired by Dr. Degye Goshu, director, research and policy analysis of the EEA.
Finally, Prof. Mengistu Ketema, Chief Executive officer of the EEA made concluding remarks and closing speech. In his concluding remark, Prof. Mengistu indicated the EEA’s plan to organize a training on Data Analytics in collaboration with its partners. He also thanked speakers from Nano link, Microsoft, and Zergaw Internet and cloud service companies and the EEA who contributed to the successful preparation of the seminar.
A total of 36 participants from different ministers, associations, financial institutions, and others attended the conference.

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