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EEA Conducted Inception Workshop on Revenue Potential of Somali Regional State

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) in collaboration with Revenue Bureau of Somali Regional State (RBSRS) has held an inception workshop on April 11, 2023, at Jigjiga City. On the event, Dr. Degye Goshu, director of research and analysis of the EEA has made a welcome speech. In his speech, Dr. Degye Goshu has highlighted the mission, objectives and major activities of the EEA to the participants. He also thanked the Somali regional state revenue bureau for inviting the EEA to conduct a research on ‘Revenue Potential of Somali Regional State’ which aims to investigate the revenue potential, tax bases, and administration capacity of the regional state. Dr. Degye Goshu has also confirmed the EEA’s firm commitment to maintain the research quality and deliver the research activities as per the agreed contract.

Mr. Abdulaziz Ahmed Abdi, head, revenue bureau of Somali regional state, has made an opening remark. In his remark, he underscored the importance of the research to the regional state and thanked EEA for accepting the bureau’s invitation and being part of this regional initiative. Following the opening remark, three presentations were made. Honorable Dr. Seid Nuru from house of the people representative has made a presentation on the overall direction (roadmap) of the study. Dr. Arega Shumetie senior researcher from the EEA presented the technical proposal of the study. The final presentation was made by Dr. Etsubdink Sileshi on methods and tools of the study.

During the discussion, the workshop participants have greatly acknowledged the EEA research team for sharing the framework and methods of the study and organizing the inception workshop. The participants have also provided positive feedbacks that enhance the quality of the research. The inception workshop was attended by about 45 participants drawn from key bureaus and zonal offices, the regional government cabinet members including heads of planning and developments commission, finance bureau, revenue bureau and Mayor of Jigjiga city.

In the closing session, Dr. Degye Goshu has expressed his gratefulness for the presence of heads of bureaus and other officials for fully attending the whole workshop despite their busy schedule.

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