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EEA has Conducted an Internal Curriculum Validation Workshop

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) conducted an internal curriculum validation workshop on June 25, 2022. At the conference, two MSc curricula prepared by the curriculum development team were presented. The EEA staff Dr. Arega Shumetie presented the curriculum for the Monetary and Financial Economics and Dr. Lamessa Tariku presented the one on Energy and Environmental Economics to the participants. The Executive Committee (EC) Members and EEA staff have attended the validation workshop at EEA conference hall, Addis Ababa. Following the two presentations, the participants raised important questions, comments and suggestions that would further enrich the quality and relevance of the curricula. After incorporating all relevant comments and suggestions raised during the internal review workshop, the curriculum was endorsed by the EC for an external validation workshop to be held on July 9,2022.

Partnership and Communication Division, EEA.

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