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EEA in Collaboration with UNICEF Offered a Training in Bahir Dar

The EEA in collaboration with UNICEF Ethiopia has offered a four-day training, June 5-8, 2023, on Fiscal Performance, Tax administration and Domestic Resource Mobilization Potential in Amhara regional state. The trainees were drawn from Amhara regional bureaus (revenue, finance and economic development, planning and development); city administration revenue bureaus (Bahir Dar, Dessie, Debre Birhan), and Bahir Dar Chamber and Sectoral Associations.

The training aimed at enhancing the capacity of key regional bureaus in the areas of tax administration, fiscal performance analysis and forecasting, and revenue mobilization.The training introduced the participants to with basic concepts of economic structure and tax base, basic techniques of forecasting, methods of improving data accuracy, tax and technological change. The training was supported with practical data with hands-on practices.

The training was part of a collaborative study by the EEA and UNICEF on Domestic Resource Mobilization Potential of Amhara region. The training was delivered by the research team Dr. Surafel Melak, Dr. Yismaw Ayelign, Dr. Kassie Dessie and Mr. Belaynew Belete. On the concussion, Dr. Semeneh Bessie, the EEA partnership and communication director has made a closing speech and certified the training participants. The EEA is grateful to UNICEF for covering the cost of the training.

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