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EEA Inaugurated the First Series SEE 2020/21 Book

EEA Inaugurated the First Series SEE 2020/21 Book

The Ethiopian Economics Association/EEA/ in collaboration with FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG of Germany has organized the State of Ethiopian Economy(SEE) 2020/21 book inauguration on 3rd June 2021 at Inter Luxury hotel, Addis Ababa. The title of the new SEE book series is Economic Development, Population Dynamics and Welfare. The book consists of six chapters on current macroeconomic issues.

The first chapter devoted linking economic development, urbanization, population dynamics, and urban welfare in Ethiopia contributed by Professor Mengistu Ketema and Dr. Getachew Diriba from EEA. They also contributed as book editors and improved quality and the standard of the book. Chapter two covers Macroeconomic outlooks, structural change, and policy options in Ethiopia. This section is written by Dr. Tsegaye G/Kidan from Ethiopian Policy Studies Institute. Chapter three which deals with Urbanization and Development in Ethiopia is written by Dr. Tsega G/ Kirstos from Ethiopian Civil service University. Chapter four covers population dynamics and migration in Ethiopia written by Dr. Assefa H/ Mariam from Ethiopian Academy of Sciences. Chapter five is the contribution of Dr. Getachew Yirga from Bahar Dar University that deals with Multidimensional poverty and inequality in urban Ethiopia.  Chapter six is an overall synthesis, conclusion and policy implications drawn from the studies covered by Dr Getachew Diriba and Dr. Gegye Goshu from EEA.

Professor Mengistu Ketema, Acting CEO of EEA has delivered welcome address and opened the event. On the occasion Mengistu briefed the participants on the major activities of EEA and also acknowledged the sponsor FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG of Germany for their continuous financial support.

The main objective of the workshop was to promote the first series of the Annual State of Ethiopian Economy 2020/21 edition, which replaced the former Annual Report on the Ethiopian Economy, with the aim of undertaking a detailed and informed policy analysis. This new paradigm shift has traced back the past trend and paves the way to forward-looking, offering in-depth research and diagnostics of selected topics on the Ethiopian Economy. The event helps EEA to influence policy advocacy, collect feedback for improving future series of the book, and publicize the new series of the book to its stakeholders and the general public.

Dr. Alemayehu Seyoum from IFPRI and Mr. Zewdie Adane from EFDRE Planning and Development Commission were the book reviewers who reflected their views on the book. Both reviewers appreciated the EEA’s effort for maintaining the quality of the book and introducing new SEE series approach. Workshop participants invited from various institutions have also provided theirs feedbacks on the SEE series for future improving. Having valuable hot discussion, Dr. Amdissa Teshome, president of EEA, has officially launched the book for use. Following, Dr. Amdissa has delivered the book to selected institutional representatives who came from Plan and Development Commission, Policy Study Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, House of Peoples Representatives, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa, Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Association, and EU. Finally, Dr. Amdissa has declared that the book is ready for sale at fair price. The cost of a book is 200 Ethiopian Birr. However, for EEA members and academics the book price is discounted by 50%. EEA would also like to pledge you that the soft copies of the book are to be accessible on our website very soon. 

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