For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: EEA Offered a Training on ‘Communication and Media Engagement’

EEA Offered a Training on ‘Communication and Media Engagement’

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA), in collaboration with the USAID/OTI, has offered a training on ‘communication and media engagement’ from August 22-24, 2022 at EEA’s training room, Addis Ababa. The objective of the training is to increase capacity and visibility of the Association through enhancing its organizational communication and media engagement.

The three days training focused on three themes: communication, media relations, and events & visibility management. It covered how CSOs like EEA could enhance their capacity on organizational communications and use of their digital platforms. The training was supported with practical exercises. Ms. Soleyana Shimeles, former communication director of the national electoral board of Ethiopia and an expert on communications, campaign and media, has provided the training. A total of 21 participants from EEA staff, members, and partner institutions participated in the training.

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