For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: EEA Organized the 3rd Round Coaching and Mentoring Training for its Members

EEA Organized the 3rd Round Coaching and Mentoring Training for its Members

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) held a third-round one-day coaching and mentoring training for its members on November 11, 2023 at the EEA training room in Addis Ababa. The training was attended by 20 participants, including 4 female members from NGOs, academia (including a few PhD candidates), financial institutions, public and private sectors. The training aimed to develop the capacity of members’ confidence in public speaking and promoting the association to all interested groups. It also introduced the concepts, skills, and models of coaching and mentoring. Before the completion of the training, a participant reflected; “we came to be ‘coachees and mentees’ but returned ‘coaches and mentors’. In addition, another participant expressed his interest to co-facilitate the future trainings voluntarily. At the end of the training, the trainees were given activities to complete with online follow-up and support from the facilitators. A Telegram Channel is established for this purpose. The training was facilitated by Amdissa Teshome (PhD), president of the EEA and Dawit Teshale, from Partnership and Communications Division of the Association.

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