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EEA Took Part in Tree Planting Initiative on August 14th

 In support of the national green development initiative in the country, EEA planted trees in Addis Ababa on August 14/2021, in Aaddis Ababa, Yeka Sub cityon the road from the British Embassy to Yeka Kidanmihret Church in front of Millennium Park just after Amba ENPA”. Dr. Atnafu Gebremeskel the EC member, EEA management and members gathered from various parts of the country have participated in the event. Specific location was delineated, and system is created as to how to continuously manage the planted seedlings. EEA has also put strategic direction to mobilize and engage its members on planting trees in upcoming year. The event is organized in response to help the efforts of building a green climate resistant economy and contribute combating climate change and alarming deforestation in the country. We would like to thank all the participants of the event for their momentous contribution in the affairs of EEA.
We also look forward to welcoming you again in the 2nd plantation

Partnership and Communication Division

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