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Environmental Impact and Sustainability Analysis

Description: EISA help to identify potential risks of a project to environment and human well-being and identify measures to eliminate or mitigate these risks. It is a tool that can help decision-makers and policy-makers decide what actions they should take and should not take in an attempt to make society more sustainable.  The EISA is carried out in a wide variety of sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, mining and forestry and applied in different circumstances for different purposes by different types of decision-makers.

Content: The training will cover the following topics:

Topic 1: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

  • Introduction and overview of EIA
    • Steps in EIA          

Topic two: Sustainability Assessment

1. Introduction to sustainability assessment

  • Origin and evolution of sustainability
  • Current definition (s) of sustainability assessment in use

2. Sustainability assessment case studies

  • Showcase of recent sustainability assessment
  • Cases studies and draw out issues and challenges faced

3. Linkages between EIA and Sustainability Assessment

  • Developing a sustainability decision-making protocol
  • Approaches to sustainability assessment
  • EIA-driven integrated assessment
  • Objectives-led integrated assessment
  • Sustainability decision-making protocol and decision making
  • Sustainability assessment criteria and rating systems

4. Integrating sustainability assessment into decision-making

  • Steps in integrating sustainability assessment with development proposal

5. Dealing with integration, offsets and trade-offs in sustainability assessment

  • Trade-offs in sustainability assessment and decision making
  • Principles for guiding trade-off decisions

6. Issues in sustainability assessment                        

Target Group: The training is suited to researchers/consultants, policy makers, NGOs, and sector specific analysts.

Requirement: A minimum of BA/BSc degree in economics, environment and natural resource economics, development studies and related discipline. In addition, experience in project implementation or management in the areas of economics, energy and environmental economics or resource economics are required.

Duration of the Training:  Five days

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