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Indexing, Development and Aggregation Methods

Description: This training covers major methods of aggregation, decomposition, weighting, and indexing quantitative and quantitative socioeconomic data.

Content: The training will cover the following topics:

Topic 1: The basics of Indexation, Decomposition, and Aggregation Methods.

Topic 2: Methods of Indexation, aggregation and decomposition.

Topic 3: Manipulation and management of data for indexation, decomposition and aggregation.

Topic 4: Dimensions, pillars, and indicators of index numbers.

Topic 5: Weighting methods of dimensions and indicators.

Topic 6: Estimation and interpretation of index numbers.

Topic 7: Estimation of absolute and relative contributions.

Topic 8: Practical examples of Indexation, aggregation and decomposition

Topic 9: Identification of relevant dimensions, pillars and indicators for indexing.

Topic 10: Interpretation of index numbers

Target Groups: The training is suited to researchers, academia, finance professionals, policy makers, and postgraduate students and anyone interested in Indexation, Decomposition, and Aggregation Methods.

Requirements:  A minimum of second degree in economics and related fields. In addition,basic literacy of STATA software package is required for the training. The trainees should bring personal laptop computer.

Duration of the Training: Five days

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