News and Announcements

EEA organized impact evaluation workshop in collaboration with school of Economics, university of Gondar

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) in collaboration with the school of Economics, university of Gondar, provided three days long impact evaluation workshop for its members...

EEA is pleased to announce the release of a new publication series.

Promoting economic research and dissemination of findings in Ethiopia and beyond is among the major objectives of the Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA). The EEA has...

The EEA Held Media Conference on BRICS

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) held a media conference on December 21, 2023 at its conference hall focusing on findings of a research titled “Does...

The EEA held Inception Workshop on Multidimensional Poverty Analysis

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) held inception workshop on a research project titled “Multi-Dimensional Poverty in Urban Oromia” financed by Oromia Regional State Plan and...
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Ethiopian Economics Association

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