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Opening Ceremony of the EEA’s 20th International Conference

H.E Ato Mamo Mihertu, Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia, has officially opened the EEA’s 20th international conference on July 21, 2023 at the EEA’s multipurpose conference hall. In the opening remark, his Excellency has highlighted the main challenges faced by policy makers in Ethiopia: Inflation, high private and public debt, large drop in financing sources for developing countries, and a tragic domestic conflict in Ethiopia. Despite these challenges, H.E Ato Mamo Mihertu explained that Ethiopia has registered positive economic performance. His Excellency also noted that the current Ethiopian Economic development show a mixed picture. According to him, there is a lot to celebrate but there is also a lot that needs more work, some course corrections, some re-thinking and re-imagining. In mitigating the macroeconomic challenges, Ato Mamo requested the contribution of all relevant stakeholders including the EEA to closely work with the NBE on various national agenda. On top of that, H.E. Mamo has highlighted NBE’s effort in restoring inflation and external stability, championing financial sector modernization and inclusion, and becoming a more transparent, collaborative, learning and knowledge-generating institution. As the way forward, his Excellency outlined what he called “CALL FOR ACTION” (to EEA and its members) to enhance our joint collaboration through evidence-based ideas, proposals and solutions that can feed into effective policy-making in the country.

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