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Informing Economic Policy Making through Research and Dialogue in Ethiopia (IEPRDE)

EEA’s Institutional Profile

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent research and membership organization, established under the Ethiopian law in 1992. Since its formation EEA has strived to: a) provide its members a platform of network, experiential learning, and access to current information; b) generate evidence-based analysis on an evolving social, economic and environment realities of Ethiopia so that policymakers, practitioners, business community, researchers, development partners and the general public are informed; c) contribute to frontier and emergent economic thinking relevant to the Ethiopian context and to advanced research methodologies, academic rigor, and development processes.

Vision: EEA aspires to become a premier professional association serving as a center of excellence regionally and internationally for providing unconstrained and evidence-based economic policy research and analysis.

Mission: To provide a platform for networking, information and learning; to inform and influence evidence-based policymaking; to offer prioritized training; and to contribute to the advancement of the discipline of economics.

Project Profile

Project Title: Informing Economic Policy Making through Research and Dialogue in Ethiopia (IEPRDE)

Funding Organization: Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA)

Lead applicant/grantee: Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)

Project Team: Demirew Getachew, Dawit Teshale, and Degye Goshu

Duration of the Project: 30 Months (September 2019 to March 2022)

Project Objectives

The project has the following three related objectives:

  1. Conducting policy research on key socio-economic issues that inform relevant information to policy makers, medias, Civil Society Organization, academia and the public at large;
  2. Expanding and creating platforms for interactions between policy makers and the public and improving the policy formulation process through informed debates;
  3. Expanding and strengthening EEA’s institutional networking with stakeholders for effective dissemination of evidence-based research products and policy forums.

EEA undertakes various activities to realize the following three intermediate outcomes:

  • Undertaking evidence-based research activities and producing about 11 policy-relevant papers/issue papers;
  • Organizing about 10 policy discussion forums (Panel/Public Lecture/Thematic workshops) based on issue/policy papers; and
  • Disseminating evidence-based research outputs in the form of policy papers and research briefs.

Project Highlight

Project titleInforming Economic Policy Making through Research and Dialogue in Ethiopia (IEPRDE)
Funding organizationOpen Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA)
Lead applicant/granteeEthiopia Economics Association (EEA)

Ethiopian Economics Association

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