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Regional Conference

Objective and Activities

The Association has the culture to organize various discussion forums on the national and regional economy and development issues that involved diverse groups of stakeholders from Federal and regional government, CSOs, private sector and academia. To the realization of the objectives of the Association, EEA has opened seven chapters at Hawassa, Bahir Dar, Haramaya, Dire Dawa, Mekelle, Jimma and Jigjiga in collaboration with regional Universities. Following that, many rounds of the regional workshops were organized and the region-specific articles were published for wider dissemination as policy inputs through hard copy and upload on the website. These discussion forums have created opportunities for various EEA stakeholders to discuss and interact with policy makers and among themselves. In the next, the organization of regional workshops will proceed per year and posted announcement of each region-specific calls for paper in the website.

The Ethiopian Economics Association co-organizes Annual Regional Conferences on the economic development of the regional states on a regular basis. The objectives of these conferences are to improve:

  • understanding on socio-economic issues of the regional states, 
  • the growth of the culture of dialogue in the regions,
  • relationship with government and regional offices and other stockholders,
  • the capacity of EEA members, academia and researchers, and
  • the visibility of EEA.

The regional conferences attract a large number of participants drawn from regional bureaus, universities, NGOs, private sector representatives and EEA members in the regions.

Ethiopian Economics Association

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