For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: Second reminder for the 28th General Assembly

Second reminder for the 28th General Assembly

Dear Members,

As you all know, we had announced a call for the GA on 18 December 2021, and had an excellent turnout. However, unfortunately, the total number of participants (226) was not enough to fulfil the minimum acceptable number of quorum requirement (266 participants). Despite the inconvenience due to incomplete quorum, we hope the meeting participants enjoyed a presentation and discussion held on inflation study.
In accordance with the bylaws of the association Article 9 sub article 2.2, the second call for the meeting will be held on 1st January 2022. On the occasion, there will be MOU signing ceremony between EEA and the Independent Council of Economic Advisors (ICEA). As usual, evaluation and approval of the annual performance report, annual plan, and external audit report, election of vice president and one executive committee member, and selection of new external auditor will be discussed and approved. This is, therefore, to kindly invite you to attend this important GA meeting and contribute for the success of the association.
Wishing all members who celebrate the X-Mass to have a good festivity.

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