Sampling Design and Data Collection

Description: To manage and undertake evidence-based research works following scientifically prove sampling design is a precondition and fundamental issue. A well-designed and structured sampling arrangement can significantly improve the data that could be collected from primary surveys and secondary sources. An optimal sample design, which minimizes the difference of key statistics should be employed. This training is concerned with the design of sample surveys and the statistical analysis of data collected from surveys. Topics covered are: sampling procedures and determination, sampling frame, sample unit selection, probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling; population and sample, and best fit sample size. This training could also introduce to methods of collecting primary and secondary data through different methods.

Content: The training covers the following topics:

Topic 1: Sampling Procedure

  •  Target population and sampling procedure
    •  Sampling frames and their coverage 
    •  Sample units
    •  Sample selection
    •  Sample size determination

Topic 2: Sample Selection

  • Probabilistic & non -probabilistic sample selection
    • Single and multi-stage sample process
    • Optimal and representative sample size
    • Sampling error
    • Sampling quality control checks

Topic 3: Type of Data

  • Primary and secondary data
    • Experimental and non-experimental data
    • Qualitative and quantitative data
    • Data type based on measurement scale
    • Data based on time references

Topic 4: Methods of Data Collection

  • Methods of collecting primary data
  • Tools to collect primary data
  • Methods of collection secondary data
  • Method of collecting qualitative and quantitative data
  • Approaches of Survey
  • Quality assurance and control
  • Types of sample weighting

Target Group: The training is suited to researchers, students, academia or any other professional people working in the private sector, government institutions, research institutions and NGOs.

Requirements: A minimum of BA/BSc degree in economics, policy, development study and related discipline.  In addition, Basic knowledge of Microsoft word and excel, and SPSS software.

Duration: Five days

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