The drive for establishing Chapters in the regions essentially comes from the need to realize EEA’s objectives through expanding its outreach services to potential members and stakeholders /clients/ of the Association.

The EEA Chapters


Advantages of Establishing Chapters

The opening of chapters in major regional capitals will have a significant positive impact on the activities of EEA. In this regard:

  • Chapters could serve as focal points through which research and training needs of individual professionals as well as institutions relevant to EEA jurisdiction could be identified, articulated and acted upon.
  • They could also serve as communication and information channels to reach out to economists in government, private and civil society institutions in the regions through the dissemination of EEA research results and publications. The demand for EEA publications has been articulated for long by the regions.
  • EEA can use chapters as launching pads for collaboration and cooperation with regional universities (economics departments in particular) in the areas of promoting and adding quality to the study of economics (one core EEA objective) in these higher learning institutions.
  • The opening of chapters will also add value to EEA’s efforts in strengthening itself as a vibrant association with a larger and geographically diversified and inclusive membership base that can effectively reach out to professionals and the public at large in each of the regions.

Principles and Modalities of Chapters’ Operations

  • Chapters are branches of EEA that are established to address the growth needs of the Association. They are EEA’s operational arms as set out in the EEA constitution.
  • Chapters serve as entry points to further expand and deepen EEA’s activities in the regions. This demands keeping relationships with regional universities at the highest level possible. EEA will see to it that cordial and beneficial long-term relationships are established and further strengthened.
  • Participation of members’ in all activities of the Association is essential. Chapters should work hard with the support of EEA’s secretariat to address members’ information and communication needs.
  • Professional integrity and independence are EEA’s core values and principles that shall govern and guide the day to day operations of the Association and its branches. This is a benchmark through which EEA can add value to the country’s economy, the profession of economics and the professional development of economists.
  • Chapters shall operate under the principles of full cost recovery for their operations. No initiatives or programs should be undertaken that cannot financially sustain themselves in the long run.

Role and Responsibilities Chapters

According to the constitution of EEA, chapters have the following duties and responsibilities: –

  • prepare and submit their annual operational plans and budget to EEA’s executive committee for approval,
    submit their annual reports to EEA’s executive committee,
  • register members and keep files at regions in which they are based as per the provisions laid out in the constitution and internal regulations of EEA,
  • collect registration and annual fees of EEA members as well sales proceeds from publications and transfer the collection to EEA’s main account in Addis Ababa,
  • distribute EEA’s publications to members of EEA and other professionals and institutions as per the distribution policy of the Association,
  • raise funds and use it in a manner approved by the Executive Committee (EC) of EEA,
    draw up internal rules and submit to the EC of EEA for approval,
  • in consultation with the secretariat of EEA, organize workshops, seminars and events that would promote and popularize the objectives and activities of EEA among government, private and civil society organizations and the general public in the region,
  • collaborate with and provide support to EEA’s research and training activities in the region as appropriate, and
  • discharge such other duties as are entrusted to it by the Executive Committee of EEA.
Bahir Dar chapter

Host University
Bahir Dar University
College of Business and Economics
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Phone: +251 -913- 95-93-97

Contact Information
Focal person: Ato kassie dessie
Phone: +251-918-779017

Chapter Secretary: Yeshework

Hawassa chapter

Host University
Hawassa University
College of Business and Economics
Hawassa, Ethiopia
Email: /
Phone: +251 -462-205311

Contact Information:
Focal person: Ato Hussien Mohammed
Phone: +251-911-117168

Chapter Secretary: Kidest

Dire Dawa chapter

Host University
Dire Dawa University
College of Business and Economics
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Phone: +251-251-127971

Contact Information
Focal person: Ato Micheal Taye
Phone: +251913286422


Mekelle chapter

Host University
Mek’ele University
College of Business and Economics
Mekelle, Ethiopia
E-mail: /
Phone: +251 344 40 40 05 | +251-116183556

Contact Information:
Focal person: Ato Abrha Gebreslassie
Phone: +251 914 76 35 96

Haramaya Eastern Region

Host University
Haramaya University
College of Business and Economics
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Phone: +251-025-5530342

Contact Information
Focal person: Ato Molla Alemayehu
Phone: +251913729646

Jimma Chapter

Host University
Jimma University
College of Business and Economics
Oromia, Ethiopia
Phone: +251-471-118-400

Contact Information
Focal person: Ato Tesfaye Melaku
Phone: +251-910209644

Jigjiga Chapter

Host University
Jigjiga University
Jigjiga, Ethiopia
Phone: +251 (0) 25 775 5933

Contact Information:
Focal person: Ato Woubeshet Gezahen
Phone: +251 910218023

Recently we are expanding to other universities

Chapters will serve as focal points through which research and training needs of individual professionals as well as institutions relevant to EEA jurisdiction could be identified, articulated and acted upon.

Ethiopian Economics Association

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