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The EEA Has Organized Validation Workshop on Revenue Potential of Somali Region

Over the past 11 months, the EEA has been conducting a study tiled ‘Revenue Potential of Somali Regional State’ to assess the state of revenue and expenditure in the region. The workshop, co-organized by the regional Revenue Bureau and the EEA, was aimed to engage stakeholders and to collect insights for improvement of the the initial findings of the study project. The findings of the study were presented for validation by different stakeholder in the region for two days (5-6 February 2024) in Jigjiga city at the Management Institute of the region. The workshop was officially opened by Mr. Abdlkadir Mohammed, Deputy Head of the Revenue Bureau) acknowledging the EEA for its commitment to produce this scientific evidence expected to substantially contribute to informed policy formualiton and accelerated development in the region.

The results of the study were presented and validated by around 205 participants (administrators, tax officials, and experts) from 11 administrative zones, 87 woredas, and mayors from six city administrations. The research team of the study comprising Dr. Arega S. Honorable Dr. Seid N., Dr. Estubdink T., and Dr. Surafel M. presented the research outputs, engaging participants in group discussions, and question and answer sessions. The workshop sessions were moderated by Dr. Degye Goshu, Director of Research and Policy Analysis of EEA. The participants were able to identify data gaps to be provided to the EEA suitable to produce the revised final research report.

The second event of the workshop was held at Jigjiga University on 7th of February 2024 to validate the study findings by 35 members of the regional council, researchers in the university and experts from regional bureaus. The workshop was officially opened and closed by Mr. Mohamed Abdi, Head of the Revenue Bureau of the region. His closing remarks reflected appreciation for the research team and participants, acknowledging their valuable comments and active participation throughout the event. Dr. Degye Goshu gave explanations for questions and suggestions reflected by the participants.

Generally, the collaboration between the EEA and the Revenue Bureaus has demonstrated and witnessed the need for their joint effort in generating reliable, independent, and latest evidence suitable for informed policy-making and implementation in the region.

Ethiopian Economics Association

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