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The EEA held Inception Workshop

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) held inception workshop on October 6, 2023 to conduct a research financed Agricultural Transformation Services (ATI) on “Institutional, Policy and Regulatory Analysis to Enabling the Business of Agriculture in Ethiopia and Institutional Frameworks and Structural set up for Pluralistic Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (PAEAS)”.  

Dr. Amdissa Teshome, president of the EEA made a welcome speech. In his speech, Amdissa acknowledged the participants and ATI for inviting the EEA to conduct such important national policy research.

Dr. Anteneh Girma, head of Director General Office at ATI made an opening remark. In this remark, Anteneh appreciated the effort made by the EEA and confirmed the ATI’s firm commitment to strengthen future partnership and collaboration with the EEA.  Following the opening remark, two presentations were made by the project team. Dr. Lamessa Tariku, senior researcher of the EEA made presentation on Institutional Frameworks and Structural set up for pluralistic Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (PAEAS). Dr. Hailu Elias, executive committee member of the EEA from AAU, made presentation on Institutional, Policy and Regulatory to Enabling the Business of Agriculture in Ethiopia.

Following the two presentations, comments and constrictive feedbacks were provided by ATI team. The project team appreciated the comments and suggestions provided by the ATI team who made further clarification on the TOR. Finally, Prof. Mengistu Ketema. CEO of the EEA made concluding and closing remark. In his concluding remark, Mengistu appreciated the ATI team for coming providing clear and structured feedback that can improve the quality of the research work. He also strongly advised the research team to take all relevant comments the ATI team and all participants. Dr. Degye Goshu Director of Research and Policy Analysis of the EEA moderated the workshop.

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