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The EEA held Inception Workshop on Multidimensional Poverty Analysis

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) held inception workshop on a research project titled “Multi-Dimensional Poverty in Urban Oromia” financed by Oromia Regional State Plan and Development Commission (OPDC).  The inception workshop was held at EEA conference hall and attended by 35 participants (4 females) from various bureaus of the Oromia regional state and EEA staff. The event was started by welcome speech made by Prof. Mengistu Ketema, CEO of EEA. In his speech Prof. Mengistu welcomed participants and expressed his gratitude to the OPDC for inviting the EEA to conduct the research. Dr. Abdi Yuya, the OPDC commissioner, also made an opening remark. In his remark, Dr. Abdi appreciated the swift response of the EEA to take the assignment and highlighted the importance of the research for policy formulation and declared official opening of the workshop.

Following the remarks, Dr. Abule Mehare, Principal investigator of the project, presented the technical proposal of the project followed by discussions.  Pertinent comments and constructive feedback were provided by OPDC research team and experts from various stakeholders. The project team appreciated the comments and suggestions provided by the participants and made some clarification on some technical issues. Finally, Prof. Mengistu Ketema, made a concluding and closing remark. In his concluding remark, Prof. Mengistu appreciated all participants for coming and  providing clear and structured feedback that can improve the quality of the research work. He also strongly advised the research team to revise the working document based on the inputs provided.

Ethiopian Economics Association

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