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Short Term Training

ESE Consult Ethiopian Economics Association

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent research and membership organization, established under Ethiopian law in 1991. The EEA has a vision of becoming the premier economics association in Africa by 2030. Since its formation, EEA has strived to: a) provide its members a platform of network, experiential learning, and access to current information; b) conduct evidence-based analysis on an evolving social, economic and environment realities of Ethiopia for informing stakeholders; and c) contribute to frontier and emergent economic thinking relevant to the Ethiopian context and to advanced research methodologies, academic rigor, and development processes. Moreover, EEA is dedicated to policy advocacy, development, promotion, and dissemination of knowledge and good practices in economics and other allied fields of studies. One of the strategic objectives of EEA is to strengthen conceptual and analytical capacities of its members and other stakeholders in conducting research and generating scientific evidence suitable to policy making. In addition, considering the growing demand for EEA’s services from individual and/or firm level stakeholders from both domestic and international collaborators, EEA has established an income generating unit as per the CSOs regulation of Ethiopia. Under this unit, the EEA has established the ESE Consult with the aim of providing research based consultancy and short-term training services. ESE Consult plans to offer to-the-standard short-term training on selected economics and other related fields of studies. The training will be offered to its members and any interested stakeholders (at individual and institutional levels). In addition, it will also offer tailor-made training to address the needs of organizations. Currently, it has planned to offer over 30 short-term trainings organized into eight broad thematic categories.


I. Training Modalities 

  • Monday to Friday full day (face to face)
  • Monday to Friday half day (face to face) (afternoon)
  • Saturday and Sunday full day (face to face)
  • Monday to Friday half day online (afternoon)

II. Certification

  • Upon successful completion of training, trainees will be awarded standard certificates.  

III. Payment

  • Training fee is 200 birr per hour or a total of 1,600 birr per day.
  • The costs will cover training fees, learning materials, training venue, daily refreshments, and certificate costs.
  • Payment shall be made via Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, account # 1000336808433
  • Before starting the training, proof of payment shall be sent to or submitted in person to EEA building 4th floor office # 403.
  • Institutional application will be entertained on tailor-made modality.

IV. Registration Steps 

  • Applicants are expected to select the training topic(s) here , and then register online using the Google form link.
  • Applicants are also expected to attach all necessary credentials and CVs.
  • Register now

V. Training Venue & Information

  • Ethiopian Economics Association 4th floor training rooms, Addis  Ababa
  • For further information, applicants may call using the phone:

  Office: +251-116453200

  Mobile:  0974351515 or 0912013447

Ethiopian Economics Association

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