For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: Call for Concept Note

Call for Concept Note

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is seeking for concept notes from young researchers under summer school modality of Gender Profitability Project (GPG).  (To read more about the GPG project, see this link:

The theme of the call focuses on three thematic areas: Women and Gender roles; Women Economic Empowerment (WEE); and Women in the Labor Market. This small competitive research grant is arranged in the form of summer school for young researchers who are below 35 years of age at time of the application period and working in the identified research thematic areas.

The call for this summer school and the research papers to be produced as part of it aims at deepening our understanding of women’s economic participation on the above listed areas using existing data to be investigated with reelevant methods and tools for gender assessment. 

Interested applicants can access the Term of Reference (ToR) for the call from the following link

and submit their applications following the indicated submissions guidelines by/before July 30, 2022.

Women applicants are highly encouraged

Contact address  

Applications for concept notes should sent to this email address:

For any other inquiries related to application process should be sent to Dr. Lamessa Tariku, project coordinator at EEA,

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