For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: Invitation to the Annual General Assembly Meeting

Invitation to the Annual General Assembly Meeting

Dear distinguished EEA Members,

Based on the Executive Committee decision, the 28th annual General Assembly meeting of EEA will be conducted on November 6, 2021. In addition to election of Executive Committee Members and discussion on other pertinent ordinary agendas, EEA’s current comprehensive study on inflation will be presented and discussed. The topic of presentation is “Inflation Ethiopia: Causes, Costs and Policy Options”. The discussion will be chaired and moderated by senior EEA members. The event will also be a good opportunity to our members to get an update on the current status of EEA’s Economic Policy Dialogue Platform, Consortium of Ethiopian Economics Departments (CEED), and a Graduate School of Economics. We kindly invite and strongly urge all members to attend on this highly essential meeting starting from 8:30am at its multipurpose meeting hall, Addis Ababa.

Partnership and Communication Division

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