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EEA Elects New Executive Committee Members at 31st   General Assembly


Addis Ababa, 29 September 2024 — One of the key agenda items of the 31st  General Assembly of the Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA), held on 29 September 2024, was the election of new Executive Committee (EC) members to serve the Association for the next three years in place of two former EC members, who had completed their first terms.

Professor. Tassew Woldehanna, President of the EEA, called on the assembly to nominate members to oversee the election process. As a result, Prof. Belay Kassa, Dr. Alemayehu Seyoum, and Dr. Getachew Adem were elected by the assembly to act as the electoral committee. The electoral members provided an overview of the voting procedures and explained that EC members who had served one term were eligible for re-election if nominated.

Based on nominations submitted by members online, Dr. Lemma Gudissa and Mrs. Sindu Abebe were re-nominated for their respective positions as Vice President and EC member. Alongside them, Dr. Addis Kassahun was nominated for the Vice President role, and Dr. Selamawit G/egziabher was nominated as an EC member.

Following a transparent voting process facilitated by the electoral committee, Dr. Addis Kassahun was elected as Vice President of the EEA, and Mrs. Sindu Abebe was re-elected to continue serving as a member of the Executive Committee. The election results were approved by the assembly, and the newly elected EC members are set to lead the Association for the next three years.

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