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EEA has Organized Seminar Presentation

The association has organized a half day Seminar presentation under the topic “Migrant Remittance and Consumption Expenditure under Rain-fed Agricultural Income in Ghana. EEA’s staff members have attended the seminar presentation made by Dr. Eric Akobeng, Ghanaian Economist, who is currently serving as chief section, Development Planning and Economic Affairs of Macroeconomic and Governance Division (MGD) of United Nation Economic Commission for Africa. Dr. Tadele Ferede former EEA president has made a brief introduction on the purpose of the seminar and delivered an official opening statement. The finding of the study shows that migrant remittance received by the recipient country has positive effect on households’ agricultural production, income and expenditure in Ghana. EEA staff members have raised questions and comments on the findings and policy implications of the study. After Eric’s reflection on the questions and concerns, Prof Mengistu Ketema, CEO of the EEA has the summarized the discussion. In his way, he recognized the indispensable benefits of such event to EEA staff and put the way forward for organization of similar events in the future. Finally, Prof Mengistu, thanked Dr. Eric for his professional commitment and willingness to work with EEA. He closed the session by emphasizing how to further strengthen collaboration between EEA and ECA.

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