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EEA Provided 2nd Round Training to CBE

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) has provided 2nd round short-term capacity building training to staff members of Commercial bank of Ethiopia (CBE) on May 16-18, 2022 at CBE’s training center, Hidassie building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The training topics are (1) Applied Data Management and Analysis with Stata (2) Resourcefulness and (3) Understanding the Regulatory Economic and Political Environment. The training was provided by the EEA staff Dr. Arega Shumetie, Dr. Nasir Nuru, Dr. Semeneh Bessie, and two guests Dr. Woretaw Bezabeh, general manager and trainer of Amero Entrepreneurship Development shares company and Dr. Baymot Tadesse from Ethiopian Civil service University. A total of 136 CBE staff that comprise senior staff, managers, researchers, and directors gathered from the federal, regional and branch offices have attended the training. The training was being offered by the grant obtained from Commercial bank of Ethiopia (CBE), and EEA is thankful for the organization.

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