For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: EEA's 21st International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy Garners Broad Participation

EEA’s 21st International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy Garners Broad Participation

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (July 22, 2024) – The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
successfully concluded its 21 st International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy held on July
19 -20, 2024, attracting a diverse audience of over 350 participants.
The two-day event brought brought together representatives from Federal and Regional
Government Offices, universities across the country, civil society organizations, international
organizations, local and international research institutes, partner institutions, the private sector,
and EEA members.

The conference featured 42 presentations across various themes, such as the financial sector,
trade and industry, trade and development, agriculture, social welfare, industry and governance,
finance and economic empowerment, natural resources and environment, and gender and
development. These presentations sparked in-depth discussions on key economic issues and
provided valuable insights into Ethiopia’s economic landscape. In addition to the main
conference agenda, 22 sponsored parallel sessions were held in collaboration with various
partners. These sessions delved into specific thematic areas such as welfare and human
development (co-organized with RISE Ethiopia), agricultural land (co-organized with the ALL-
IN project led by the University of Gondar), conflict and development (co-organized with
GAGE), institutions, shocks, and policy (co-organized with IGC), poverty (co-organized with the
World Bank), and environment and climate change (co-organized with the Policy Studies
Institute). These parallel sessions attracted significant interest and participation, contributing to
the overall richness and depth of the conference discussions.

The conference provided a platform for in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing among
experts, policymakers, and researchers, contributing to informed policymaking and sustainable
economic development in Ethiopia. The EEA’s 21 st International Conference has once again
proven to be a vital platform for exchanging ideas, fostering collaboration, and addressing the
pressing economic challenges facing Ethiopia today.

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