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Highlighting the Ethiopian Economics Association at Samara University: Building Resources and Fostering Dialogue

On May 14, 2014, the Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) embarked on a mission to Samara University. The aim was  to introduce the association, its  valuable resources, and commitment to Ethiopia’s economic future to both staff and students. About 100 participants took part in the event.   Dr. Abule Mehare, Director for Partnership and Communication, spearheaded the outreach effort by delivering a presentation outlining the EEA’s mission.

Dr. Abule emphasized the association’s unwavering dedication: supporting its members and actively contributing to the nation’s economic development. He passionately addressed the student body, encouraging them to join the EEA and leverage its resources to propel their economic careers.

The presentation sparked lively discussions, with students eager to learn more about the EEA’s involvement in current Ethiopian economic issues. Dr. Abule and Mr. Dawit responded by showcasing the association’s recent research initiatives. They emphasized how the EEA utilizes data-driven analysis to inform and influence national economic policy decisions.

Further solidifying their commitment to the university, the EEA team presented a significant donation a collection of 182 publications encompassing books, journals, and proceedings. This valuable contribution was directed towards the Regional Chapter and Samara University Library, aiming to bolster the quality of economics education for generations to come.

The successful event culminated with the EEA team expressing their heartfelt gratitude to Samara University for their warm hospitality. This fruitful collaboration paved the way for a stronger connection between the association and the university community.

Highlighting the Ethiopian Economics Association at Samara University: Building Resources and Fostering Dialogue
Highlighting the Ethiopian Economics Association at Samara University: Building Resources and Fostering Dialogue

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