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Free course on African Economic History

African History through the lens of Economics

Online open-access free course on African Economic HistoryLBS’ Wheler Institute for Business and DevelopmentFebruary – April 2022
LBS’ Wheler Institute for Business and Development is launching an online open-access free course on African Economic History, running from February 1 – 13 April 2022.[course website]This masterclass aims to familiarize students with insights into the recent, burgeoning literature on the impact of Africa’s history on contemporary development (JEL review). The online course will cover recent economic history contributions that use geospatial data from anthropological maps, colonial archives, secondary sources, and other sources to uncover the legacies of these phenomena.The course is inter-disciplinary aiming to provide a dialogue forum between economics, history, political science, cultural anthropology, even psychology. The lectures will abstract from econometric and economic theory technicalities zooming into the core ideas and hypotheses and the way economics may be helpful addressing themThere will be ten 90 minutes main lectures (with a small break), covering pre-colonial social and political organization, Africa’s slave trades, the Scramble for Africa, colonization, independence movements, the Cold War, and the Third Wave of Democratization.The lectures will be accompanied by ten special lectures (75 minutes), where guests will present interdisciplinary research. The special session will zoom on issues like prison labor, the role of private concessionary companies during colonization, Christian Missions, colonial tax policies, and delve into some country-cases. Our guests are prominent scholars in economics, history, political science, even linguistics with essential contributions to the field. You can have a look herefor the entire teaching team.There will also be three plenary sessions, where guests will join the teaching team discussingThe course organization and main lectures are delivered by Nathan Nunn (Harvard University and NBER), Leonard Wantchekon (Princeton and African School of Economics), Stelios Michalopoulos (Brown, CEPR, and NBER), and Elias Papaioannou (London Business School and CEPR), who is also leads the course administrator.
We are particularly keen welcoming students and young professionals beyond economics, from management, strategy, political science, history and sociology. And we would like to engage with African scholars and interested parties from the continent.
Date: 1 February 2022 – 13 April 2022
Time: Tuesday & Wednesday @ 10am ET / 3pm GMT (minor variations do occur)
Format: This series will be delivered virtually (Zoom) and is open access (free of charge). Recordings will be available following each session on here for more informationClick here to register for the course

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