For Trainings, Membership and EEA Publications follow us on Telegram: The 29th General Assembly of the EEA

The 29th General Assembly of the EEA

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) has held its 29th General Assembly on December 10, 2022 at its Multipurpose Conference Hall, Addis Ababa. The meeting was officially opened by Dr. Lemma Guddisa, vice president of the Association. In his speech, Dr. Lemma kindly welcomed and thanked all members who came from different parts of the country to attend the 29th GA of the EEA, the Assembly that was postponed due to a shortfall to meet the minimum number of quorum attendants on November 26th, 2022.

On the occasion, a presentation was made by Dr. Degye Goshu, research and policy analysis director of the EEA, on a comprehensive empirical study being conducted by EEA titled “The Quest for Economic Transformation in Ethiopia”. In his presentation, Degye emphasized initial findings of the project. A total of 120 members have attended the meeting. The participants raised questions and provided feedback on the presentation. Dr. Gezahegn Kebede has effectively chaired the presentation.

Following the presentation, Annual Audit Report (both for the EEA and its income generating unit, EEA-IGA) was presented by an external auditor. The audit report was discussed and approved by the Assembly. Prof. Mengistu Ketema, Chief Executive Officer of the EEA, presented an Annual Performance Report (for the budget year 2021/2022) and an Annual Plan (for the year 2022/23). Both the reports and the plans have unanimously been approved after extensive discussion and reflections.

Following that, Prof. Mengistu has made brief presentation on a revised minimum acceptable number of quorum proposed by the EC of the EEA.  After extensive discussion, the GA has agreed on the need and rationale to revise the quorum of the EEA. However, for smooth implementation, the GA has put direction to figure out the legal and the spirit of the revision in accordance with the bylaws of the association, and finally postponed the approval of the new quorum revision. Dr. Lemma reflected on questions, comments and concerns of the participant and made concluding remarks to the Assembly. Finally, Prof. Mengistu closed the assembly after thanking all the participants for their attendance and positive feedback.

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